International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8 each year by women’s groups around the world. It is also celebrated at the UN and in many countries, it is a national holiday. On this occasion, women from all continents come together to celebrate their Day as it is a tradition of at least 90 years of battle for equality, justice, peace and development.
At HOTEL10, we want to highlight this important day, but on a lighter tone. Women occupy places of choice in Hotel 10’s hierarchy, and there are … ten (true story!) in key roles. We would like to take this opportunity to wish an excellent International Women’s Day to all superwomen out there, and here are ours …!
The 10 women of HOTEL10

Jo-Anne, General Manager and shoeaholic
At the general management position of HOTEL10, we find, for the past 5 years: a woman and not just any! Jo-Anne is a “super GM”; she led many large-scale projects for HOTEL10, such as the inauguration of the SUITE2116 and the return of the mythic KOKO horse. She has a contagious joie de vivre and inspires her team to go further. Interesting fact: she practices golf (to develop perseverance to succeed) and parachute (yes indeed – because she likes to take risks)!

Karine, Executive Assistant and proud “hockeymom”
Karine occupies the position of Executive Assistant at HOTEL10 and is able to juggle her many tasks, her busy days, but most of all, her career and family life. Mother of two, she defines herself as a “proud hockey mom” and trades her tailor and high heels against her sports jersey and hockey cap on weekends. A true double agent!
Tracy, the great bookkeeper from HOTEL10, joined the team soon after completing her studies in accounting at the age of 21. In her spare time, she plays the guitar (it’s been ten years) but very rarely at work, at the disappointment of colleagues.
Who said that video games were reserved for boys? Pari participated and even won several competitions of video games when she was younger. When asked the question, she replied that «if she had not worked in the hospitality industry, she would have become a clinical psychologist.» While playing, of course, video games.
Sabrina often plays the models for HOTEL10, but also poses for others while she holds this second job in her (rare) free time. When she is not working, she enjoys taking a hot bath … while drinking a good glass of cold wine. She also has a strong affection for racing cars and her “best friend” is called … Häagen-Dazs!

Sabrina, Front Desk Supervisor and supermodel
Geneviève, senior account manager for HOTEL10, maintains a boundless passion for zumba. Even though, every year, she participates in the Zumbathon organized by the Eucan to raise funds for sick children. She also studied for 7 years at the Conservatoire de Musique du Québec in pinao. She cannot play the piano and practice zumba at the same time, unfortunately.
Daniela is the supermom of two children at all times, and at HOTEL10 she is a corporate and entertainment sales manager. She is also a figure skating pro since she has been practicing this discipline for almost 15 years. Annually, she organizes a fundraiser for the Breast Cancer Foundation, a cause that she embraces.

Geneviève, Géraldine, Anne-Isabelle and Daniela
Anne-Isabelle is the mother of 2 handsome boys, and her nickname is “the Duchess of the Islands” because she is very picky and likes to be spoiled (who does not like that, by the way?). When she does not occupy her position of Banquet Sales Manager at HOTEL10, Anne-Isabelle is actively involved in her Christian community, while she was previously a catechesis class assistant.
Some fun facts about Géraldine, Banquet Coordinator at HOTEL10: she has jumped in parachute more than fifteen times (yes, yes: 15!). When she was younger, she also won judo competitions and participated in fashion shows, but not at the same time.
Rosa Maria is passionate about dance: she has been a member of a dance troupe for almost 15 years. Today, she passed on her passion to her son who has been dancing professionally for a few years. He has also won several dance competitions throughout Quebec. You will most likely surprise Rosa Maria dancing between two tasks.

The women of HOTEL10, past, presented and future are all exceptional
Many other women contributed, of course, in making the everyday at HOTEL10 more : gentle, colourful, sparkling, extraordinary, surprising … to all superwomen of Montreal and elsewhere, we wish you a fantastic Women’s Day ! #Girlpower